Mission mental health: Seven projects receive grants

23.05.2023 l More news

VELUX FONDEN supports the development of new initiatives that focus on preventing and reducing mental health problems. This year, seven projects will receive a total of DKK 27.9 million to develop and test new methods that can give people with mental health problems the opportunity to participate actively in social communities in order to improve their mental well-being. 

Health of Danes

According to the Danish Health Authority’s latest national health profile survey  (”Danskernes sundhed – Den nationale sundhedsprofil 2021”) one in six Danes over the age of 16 suffers from poor mental health. That corresponds to roughly 839,000 people – and young people are the worst affected. From 2017 to 2021, the proportion of Danes with poor mental health increased from 13.2 to 17.4 per cent.

VELUX FONDEN has for many years supported the development of new initiatives in civil society aimed at improving mental health. In 2022, the aim was expanded to include the development of methods for supporting the collaboration between initiatives in civil society and in the municipalities/regions. Under the ‘Mental health’ open call, seven projects (see the projects) received grants in the autumn to bridge the gap between initiatives and create communities and activities that promote well-being and mental health. The interest in the call and the need for initiatives was so great that a follow-up open call was launched under the heading ‘Mental well-being’. A further seven projects are now receiving grants:

“We want to help provide civil society and public initiatives with new knowledge and insight that can qualify the efforts for people with mental health problems. The seven selected projects contribute to the development of the social services as well as that of the individual. We look forward to following the projects’ important work in helping young people and adults with mental health problem become part of everyday communities. As we go about our daily lives, feeling part of a community is empowering and prevents people from feeling excluded, thus strengthening social cohesion and sustainability,” says Head of Programme Vibeke Lybecker from the grant programme for social initiatives. 

Experience experts and evaluation make us wiser

To ensure that the projects make sense to the users, VELUX FONDEN has been assisted by ten people with first-hand experience of mental illness and other mental health issues. The experience experts helped formulate the open call and were involved in the initial selection of the expressions of interest that were granted funding and invited to write a full application.

To find out how the initiatives are working, the foundation is initiating a cross-disciplinary evaluation of the projects. 

See the projects:



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