An ocean in balance

We aim to contribute to a healthy marine environment capable of withstanding climate change.

The ecosystem of the sea plays a crucial role in regulating the climate and is intricately linked to human life and behavior. However, the ocean, both in Denmark and internationally, is under continued pressure from human activities. The consequences of these activities are not fully understood. Therefore, our environmental programme supports projects that can develop knowledge and solutions for the challenges in the marine environment. A healthier and stronger ocean is beneficial for all life on Earth - both above and below the water's surface.

The biggest threats to the ocean are pollutants, wastewater, marine debris (including plastic pollution), shipping, offshore activities, offshore wind turbines, carbon capture and storage at sea, deep-sea mining, as well as fishing and agriculture. Therefore, in the period 2023-2030, we have chosen to focus our efforts in three programmes:

  • Restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems with a focus on climate
  • Combating marine pollution
  • Future climate solutions and their impact on maritime ecosystems