All people need communities. And everyone – from children to adults – should have the opportunity to actively participate in society’s communities.
However, individuals in socially vulnerable positions may struggle to muster the energy and perspective needed to become part of the communities that demonstrably enhance well-being and promote a more self-reliant life.
Finding the communities that include, motivate and empower citizens requires new paths and methods. However, the benefits are significant.
Communities that open up through education, employment and participation in civic life are not only important for individuals, but also for society. They enhance diversity, contribute to societal cohesion and support our democracy.
Participation in communities and enhanced mental well-being for all is the ambition behind VELUX FOUNDATION’s support for social initiatives.
If you need to clarify whether your project idea falls within our purpose, you are welcome to fill out our and send it to us before you submit the final application.
All expressions of interest and applications to Social Projects must be in Danish.
All applications are reviewed by employees in the foundation’s professional secretariat. Subsequently, the board will assess which applications should be assessed by external subject matter experts, ensuring that VELUX FOUNDATION’s board has a strong decision-making basis.
We value good dialogue with applicants, but we do not have the ability to co-develop project ideas, nor do we engage in partnerships on projects.
However, we support knowledge sharing for grantees – through seminars and theme meetings, and we are in continuous dialogue with both small and large social stakeholders.
VELUX FONDEN supports the specific additional costs for an organisation to run a development project with a grant from the foundation.
A budget must be transparent and provide the best possible link between the costs and the project's content and actual activities. The budget should be set up in the three general categories below, and it must be clear what the project's various activities cost and which parts you are applying for from VELUX FONDEN, so that the budget supports the project description.
The direct project-related expenses must be specified in a number of main items that reflect the actual expenses, e.g. project management, external technical assistance, external evaluation, project activities, competence development, communication and dissemination, etc. If you expect price and salary costs to be projected, this must be stated in the budget. We ask that you state the actual hourly rates/salary costs.
Remember to include time and resources for co-operation with the foundation in your budget. Approximately one annual status meeting is held with the foundation, where an annual status report (5 pages) and a status report are reviewed. At the end of the project, a final meeting is held, at which time you must prepare a final report (10 pages) and submit audited final accounts and any external evaluation. For public institutions, it is sufficient that the final accounts are signed by the accounting officer.
The derived costs that it costs the applicant organisation to manage the project. These must be real and reasonable in relation to the applied project, e.g. share of rent, IT, heating, insurance, subscriptions, staff care, etc. The indirect project-related expenses may not exceed 20% of the direct project-related expenses and must be itemised. Municipal foundation VAT is not supported by the fund.
The fund accepts an unspecified overhead of up to 5% of the direct project-related project costs to cover unforeseen expenses and the general administration of the applicant organisation.
VELUX FONDEN’s 2030 strategy addresses a wide range of significant societal challenges and opportunities influencing democracy and sustainability in the Danish society.