
In 1965, Villum Kann Rasmussen formulated the ‘model company objective,’ which forms the foundation for our culture, our working methods and our focus on ensuring good relations with the surrounding world.

We aim to ensure accessibility and transparency, so establishing and adhering to a whistleblower policy is natural part of the foundation’s governance strategy. 

A whistleblower scheme provides a secure and anonymous option for employees and other stakeholders to ‘blow the whistle’ if they experience or suspect irregularities or illegal activities within The Villum Foundation or activities associated with the foundations. 

What can you report?

You can report matters related to the foundation’s employees, committee and panel members, external assessors as well as board members.

The whistleblower scheme can only be used to report serious offenses. It must involve violations of laws, regulations, policies, guidelines, etc. Less serious matters, such as dissatisfaction with salary conditions, difficulties in collaboration, rejection of grant applications etc., cannot be addressed through the whistleblower scheme.

Read more – and report

Visit the external whistleblower portal where you can learn more about the scheme and report any issues:


If you have questions about the whistleblower scheme, please feel free to contact us: 

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