Note! Applications may be submitted by invitation only from the foundation through the head of department.
With this programme, we aim to promote the innovative contributions of humanities and social science research at the highest academic level, to the development of society’s broad knowledge of people, culture, language, history, and society.
We do this by supporting independent, curiosity-driven, original basic research across the entire breadth of the humanities and closely related social science disciplines (anthropology, political science, sociology and psychology) at the country's universities.
The programme is aimed at the growth layer of research, providing outstanding mid-career researchers with the opportunity to establish a research group for a three to four-year research project: a core group.
The program cannot be applied for unsolicited - only by invitation from the foundation via the head of department.
About 30 humanities and social sciences departments at the country's universities are part of the foundation's established collaborative network. The departments are divided into two halves, each invited every other year to submit a given number of applications. The number of applications depends on the number of permanently employed researchers at the respective department.
The departments themselves are responsible for organizing a process to select the number of invited applications that are submitted to the foundation, for example through the research committee. It is a requirement that the principal investigator (PI) is permanently employed at the department.
The total number of applications each year is set so the success rate can be approximately 25% within the grant framework. Typically, seven core groups will be funded each year.
This invited departments of the year will be listed in the call.
Upon receiving the invited applications, we hold meeting with each of the heads of department regarding the institutional context and significance of the projects.
Each application undergoes international review by three individually selected reviewers who specialize in the specific field of research of the application. The reviewers each provide thorough written evaluations. The reviews form the basis of the secretariats recommendation to the foundation’s board, who will make the final prioritization and decisions regarding grants and rejection.
All applicants will receive a copy of the reviews in order to help them further develop their project.
The foundation has endorsed the CoARA-agreement for the recognition of diverse outputs, practices and activities in evaluating research application and applicants.
Throughout the entire process, the secretariat is open to inquiries from applicants.