Many Danes of all ages experience mental distress to an extent that impairs their ability to have a meaningful everyday life and be active citizens. The increasing mental distress and loneliness in the population must be reduced and prevented, so that even more people have the opportunity to live the life they want.
We aim to strengthen the well-being and empowerment of people in socially vulnerable positions by enabling them to participate in various societal communities.
Our focus is on the organisations, associations and voluntary civil environments that provide a secure framework and a lasting foundation – and that can build a bridge to more general social networks.
We support method development.
We know that collaboration across sectors can be difficult and filled with pitfalls. Therefore, we support the development of methods for the interaction between initiatives in civil society and the public sector, where the target group is involved.
We support projects that can develop new methods to create bridges and transitions between public initiatives and civil society, so that people experiencing mental distress maintain participation in everyday community life or return to it.
The target group for the projects includes individuals experiencing mental distress, encompassing both those with and without a diagnosis.