The ecosystem of the sea plays a crucial role in regulating the climate and is intricately linked to human life and behavior. However, the ocean, both in Denmark and internationally, is under continued pressure from human activities. The consequences of these activities are not fully understood. Therefore, our environmental programme supports projects that can develop knowledge and solutions for the challenges in the marine environment. A healthier and stronger ocean is beneficial for all life on Earth - both above and below the water's surface.
The biggest threats to the ocean are pollutants, wastewater, marine debris (including plastic pollution), shipping, offshore activities, offshore wind turbines, carbon capture and storage at sea, deep-sea mining, as well as fishing and agriculture. Therefore, in the period 2023-2030, we have chosen to focus our efforts in three programmes:
We are currently not accepting new project ideas. Thank you to all who have submitted project ideas during the spring.
We appreciate the interest in contributing to conservation of the ocean, and we encourage everyone to stay updated on our website for future opportunities to submit project ideas that can contribute to a healthy marine environment.
We do not support commercial projects or projects related to aquaculture or fishing.
VELUX FOUNDATION has entered into a partnership with IOC-UNESCO to promote the UN's Ocean Decade, which runs from 2021 to 2030. The decade aligns with VELUX FOUNDATION's priorities to contribute to the conservation of the ocean.
The UN has dedicated this decade 2021 to 2030, to have a special focus on the world's oceans. Research and policy must contribute to the implementation of UN conventions, including the Climate Convention (UNFCCC) and the Convention on biodiversity Convention (CBD), as well as the Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 14 "Life Below Water."
VELUX FOUNDATION is active in the Foundations Dialogue for the Ocean Decade, where we want to contribute to the conservation of marine areas. The dialogue with international foundations during the UN's Ocean Decade offers the opportunity to gain global momentum to support marine research that can contribute to an improvement of the marine environment.
In 2020, VELUX FOUNDATION and IOC-UNESCO hosted the first Partnership Dialogue for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in Copenhagen. The purpose of which was to build partnerships with international foundations that can contribute to the ocean agenda. VELUX FOUNDATION actively follows the dialogue on promoting the international foundations' contribution to UN processes. All VELUX FOUNDATION's grantees are therefore requested to make the project results available for the UN Decade of Ocean Science.
VELUX FOUNDATION collaborates with Danish research authorities to promote the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030." The EU mission is part of Horizon Europe's research and innovation program and seeks to create change by rethinking research and innovation in combination with new methods within administration, interdisciplinary cooperation, and citizen involvement. The mission aims to:
VELUX FOUNDATION encourages all grant recipients to participate in the Danish Mission Ocean hub and to report their projects to the mission's charter.
VELUX FOUNDATION, together with the Ministry of the Environment, has established the National Center for Marine Nature Restoration. The aim of the center is to promote a knowledge-based implementation of marine nature restoration, with a view to strengthening the resilience, ecological balance, and a wide range of ecosystem services in Danish waters. The center conveys professional knowledge and advises on factors (ecological, technical, and economic) that strengthen the success and minimize failures. The center ensures scientifically and professionally well-founded advice as a contribution to the national planning of marine nature restoration and active nature-promoting solutions that contribute to improving the condition of the sea and fjords.
Denmark's green think tank, CONCITO, conveys climate solutions to politicians, businesses, and citizens. CONCITO works to build a stronger connection between the green transition in Denmark, the Nordics, and globally, as well as to strengthen Danish companies to advocate for an ambitious Danish climate and energy effort. CONCITO is one of Denmark's largest green networks with around 100 companies, researchers, organisations, and individuals as members, all with significant knowledge about climate.
The initiative 70i30, was created in 2021, as a collaboration between Villum Fonden, VELUX FOUNDATION, and KR Foundation. CONCITO received a grant of DKK 156 million to ensure real climate action.
The Ocean Institute is a privately funded think tank and a non-profit membership association. The Ocean Institute was founded on the initiative of VELUX FOUNDATION in 2021 and is financed with DKK 75 million for five years. The Ocean Institute works to collate knowledge and ideas about the sea and translate this into concrete measures and recommendations, including better protection of Danish marine areas, enhanced biodiversity, and sustainable use of the sea.
VELUX FONDEN’s 2030 strategy addresses a wide range of significant societal challenges and opportunities influencing democracy and sustainability in the Danish society.