Our common future - Generational meetings for hope and climate action

Lotte Hviid Dhyrbye
Project number:
Grant amount
1.832.900 DKK

Project description

The project is a change and anchoring project with the purpose of creating hope and new forms of local action for a more sustainable future through generational encounters and democratic debates about the future.

The project stems from demand and is a further development of the completed project "Together for the World Goals", where 36 Public Libraries since 2021 have worked to engage and mobilize adults 60+ around the UN World Goals in local active communities. Adults 60+ have found it particularly meaningful to make climate action across generations. This gives 60+ people the opportunity to pass on their experiences, knowledge and life skills to future generations and to create hope and motivation for young people and for the future. The project is based on Futures Literacy as a framework for the generational encounters and a democratic debate about the future. The method was developed by UNESCO and can be described as the ability to understand and navigate in a complex and uncertain future. Futures Literacy provides skills, tools and approaches to explore, understand and engage with different future scenarios, i.e. competences to consciously understand the role the notion of the future plays for actions in the present.