Blue Gold - an active for the marine environment

Project number:
Grant amount
525.000 DKK

Project description

Water gives life to all living organisms and plays a major role in biodiversity as well as recreational opportunities and national pride. Who can imagine a Denmark without a beautiful sea and a rippling stream? The climate also depends balanced ecosystems, so that carbon can be absorbed and stored. Unfortunately, it is becoming common knowledge that we in Denmark do not take good enough care of our aquatic environment, so that the majority of nature is not in good condition. It is one of the biggest mistakes of our generation that we have not taken action sooner.
Civil society plays an important role in restoring and nurturing nature. However, civil society and its volunteers must be supported and recognized in order to fulfill its potential. The VELUX FOUNDATION supports efforts that improve our marine environment and efforts that involve and motivate adults over 60 years of age – a very important community resource. The vision is to contribute to active voluntary adults aged 60+  power to act for the benefit of society.

Thus, the purpose of the partnership 'Blue Gold' is to support adult volunteers over the age of 60 in carrying out activities that can communicate about, care for or restore nature in connection with Denmark's aquatic environment, including lakes, streams, fjords and seas