Algorithms, Data and Democracy - ADD

Project description
Digital technologies are becoming ubiquitous within public as well as personal domains, but what does digitalization do for us and to us? Can we trust algorithmic decisions? When recommendations and decisions are based on big data and machine learning algorithms, we can be sure of their precisions, but not of their ethics and neutrality. How, exactly, do algorithms reach their conclusions?
The ADD-project combines research, outreach, and knowledge brokerage to answer these and related questions, engaging citizens and other relevant stakeholders in key debates to raise awareness and knowledge. The project is a joint grant between VILLUM FONDEN (67 mio. DKK) and VELUX FONDEN (33 mio. DKK).
Tænketanken Mandag Morgen manages the outreach efforts of the project and Roskilde University leads the research consortium which also includes Aalborg University, Copenhagen Business School, Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark and University of Copenhagen.