70by30 - Knowledge to action - Fase 3
Project description
A total of DKK 156 million has been allocated to the 70i30 project over five years (2021-2025) for the initiative "From knowledge to action" ("Knowledge in Action"). In 2020, CONCITO received DKK 45.2 million. for phase 1 (2021-2022) and in 2022 DKK 73.1 million for phase 2 (2023-2024). In phase 3 DKK 37.7 million is allocated (2025).
The grant targets the need for and the potential to catalyze decisive climate action by ensuring a strengthened knowledge bridge for decision-makers across the Danish society. Concretely, the goal of the grant is to significantly strengthen CONCITO's capacity and ability as a relevant knowledge partner with regard to putting the best national and global knowledge into play with the specific purpose to;
1. Inspire and support crucial new ambitious Danish efforts in priority areas in public and private sectors, in order to achieve a 70% reduction by 2030.
2. Support the necessary long-term transformation and promote the necessary structural measures needed to create a net-zero emissions Denmark by 2050 at the latest.
3. Strengthen the sharing of knowledge and experience with the world's best knowledge platforms and players in the green transition, and connect Denmark even more strongly to the Nordic, European and global climate agenda.