New research helps seniors with better dental care

The research project 'Sund Mund Hele Livet' runs until 2025 and is already showing significant results and insights.
Approximately 50% of the elderly in vulnerable situations that have been studied, i.e. those in need of care, either living at home, in nursing homes or in rehabilitation centers, have such severe dental problems that it affects their quality of life, and only 25% have adequate oral hygiene.
But there is help available, emphasizes Associate Professor Esben Øzhayat and the rest of the project team's researchers and practitioners, who provide concrete advice to improve the health of the elderly.
The solution lies, among other things, in more focus on teeth in elderly care, fixed routines for dental care in the daily lives of the elderly, strengthened communication between the dental care and elderly care sectors and increased focus on referral to the municipal care dental care service.
Associate Professor Esben Øzhayat from the University of Copenhagen, who is leading the project, emphasizes:
"It is very important to have a healthy mouth throughout life. This way you can smile and eat a varied diet and at the same time prevent a lot of diseases. We believe that the report provides valuable concrete suggestions that can be adapted to each municipality. For example, in many municipalities, it would be valuable to set up a task force to create more focus on dental care in elderly care so that it becomes a regular part of daily care."
Good dental health contributes to quality of life
Christina Schnohr Svensson, Head of Program at VELUX FONDEN, says:
"The insights and recommendations provided by the project in the latest report are important. Dental diseases contribute to reducing the quality of life of elderly citizens, and with the report in hand, the municipalities now have a number of concrete advice and guidelines that they can use in their daily work."
VELUX FONDEN supports the project under the foundation's strategic grant area 'Adult life transitions and changes'. VELUX FONDEN focuses on the challenges of adults 50+ and empowering their resources and access to the necessary help in time. Prevention of sensory loss and dental diseases is one of the programs in the grant area.
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