34 million DKK for research in the humanities

From research in digital media and the impact of the financial crisis to cross-cultural studies in China and Danish texts in the Middle Ages....

Six research groups from three Danish universities (University of Copenhagen, University of Aarhus and Copenhagen Business School) have collectively received 34.1 million DKK from VELUX FONDEN for research in the humanities.

Only a few private foundations support research in the humanities.

VELUX FONDEN has since 2008 made this a conscious priority area and every year the foundation supports among other things collective projects in close dialogue with the research environments at Danish universities. Overall, with grants of over 350 million DKK so far.

"Humanities permeates society and deal with key issues of culture, history, realisation, language, society etc. and has a broad social value. It is not only of interest to the individual, but also contributes to a knowledge and critical thinking which is important for an enlightened democracy, cultural life, education and public debate, "says Executive Director Ane Hendriksen, VELUX FONDEN.

The 34 million DKK are granted to six different projects:

The humanities must be supported and strengthened

"Both in Denmark and abroad there is a growing recognition that today's major challenges – within environment, resources, health, welfare, work life, competitiveness etc. – cannot be addressed solely with technical or financial expertise. They also require an understanding of the 'human factors' crucial role in problems as well as solutions. Here the humanities can contribute with important insights together with other fields of science and social science."

"However this requires that the humanities are supported and strengthened - also in the long-term basic scientific level where the fundamental questions are asked and new ideas emerge and develop. The humanities are a necessary and important contribution to a long-term strong society," says Ane Hendriksen.

See the projects and previous core group grants here.
