Major grant awarded to senior-citizens’ nature programme
Active senior citizens are an important resource when it comes to outdoor activities and nature in general.
In order to acknowledge the contributions they make, the Danish Outdoor Council and VELUX FONDEN are working together to award DKK 2 million in grants in 2015 to people over the age of 60 who make a significant contribution to protecting nature or promoting outdoor activities. The partnership was announced in 2014.
The goal of the partnership is to fund and to recognise activities in which especially active senior citizens who make an effort to provide themselves and others with positive outdoor experiences. At the same time, these individuals also contribute to nature conservation. Activities can receive up to DKK 70,000, provided they are held by a Danish Outdoor Council member organisation, or another association.
Jen Ejlsted, the managing director of the Danish Outdoor Council, says: “We feel senior citizens are an excellent resource. They often have the time and energy to volunteer for events that benefit other people and nature and promote outdoor activities. They may also take their grandchildren or schoolchildren on walks in nature. That’s why we find it only natural to enter into a partnership with VELUX FONDEN in order to support the valuable efforts these people make. We hope that not just the Danish Outdoor Council’s member organisations, but all sorts of other types of associations will see this as a good opportunity to support and reward the active contribution senior citizens make to outdoor activities and the natural environment. We believe they will.”
Ane Hendriksen, the executive director of VELUX FONDEN, says: “VELUX FONDEN has long had a wide range of initiatives that support active senior citizens. The partnership with the Danish Outdoor Council in 2014 allowed us to award DKK 1 million to active senior citizens who have organised interesting nature projects. We’re looking forward to seeing what the next DKK 2 million will lead to.”
Read more: (in Danish only)
If you have questions, please contact the Danish Outdoor Council on +45 3379 0079 or by e-mail at
Rikke Damm, konsulent i Friluftsrådet, tlf. 24 52 60 89 eller via mail: rda@friluftsrå
Friluftsrådet er paraplyorganisation for 91 organisationer inden for friluftsliv, natur og miljø. Rådet varetager både organisationernes og befolkningens interesser i friluftsliv og arbejder aktivt for at skabe bedre muligheder for friluftsliv gennem bl.a. kampagner, projekter og politisk lobbyarbejde.