Makerspaces for everyone

Kia Skovbo Ehlers
Fredericia Municipality
Grant amount
5.681.180 DKK

Project description

Makerspaces for Everyone in Fredericia
“Makerspaces for Everyone” gives students easy access to learning about technology both during and after school to enhance equal opportunity in Fredericia Municipality. The municipality will establish creative, inspiring learning spaces featuring digital and analogue technologies at all of the municipality’s fourteen schools.

The project will lay the groundwork for promoting technological literacy both during and after school so girls and boys from all backgrounds will learn how to solve problems, experiment and be creative with their peers in projects related to everyday life. The project brings particular focus to bear on strengthening girls’ self-image in relation to their own technological skill sets and their interest in STEM subjects.

The skills enhancement of the teaching staff and training of STEM counsellors, STEM educators and STEM student agents will be launched to establish a strong maker culture in which students are educated and trained to take a critical, constructive and co-creative approach to the world – both analogue and digital.